BigLift Ships Record Ship Unloader

BigLift Ships Record Ship Unloader

Breakbulk carrier BigLift Shipping has transported a continuous ship unloader from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, to Onahama Terminal in Japan.

The over-dimensional unit weighed 1,542 tonnes and was transported aboard the heavy-load carrier Happy Star. It was lifted on deck using the Happy Star’s on-deck cranes and was the heaviest ship unloader ever handled by BigLift Shipping.

“After a safe voyage, the ship unloader was discharged at the new terminal in Onahama. During the discharge operation the unloader had to pass the conveyor belt system on the quay, which was achieved with sufficient clearance, thereby proving again the capacity of the ship’s heavy lift cranes, as well as their unbeatable lifting heights,” a spokesperson for BigLift said.

BigLift Shipping is a member of Spliethoff Group and operates a fleet of 14 heavy-lift vessels with lifting capacities up to 1,800 tonnes.

Photo: BigLift Happy Star loading the unloader unit. Credit: BigLift

