Barrus Delivers AGPP Equipment

Breakbulk to Svobodny from China

Heavy-lift firm Barrus Projects has transported a cargo of breakbulk equipment to the Amur Gas Processing Plant (AGPP) in Svobodny, Russia.

Working in partnership with Chinese partner COSCO Shipping Project Logistics, the firm handled 8,162 tonnes of equipment. Cargo was shipped from Zhangjiagang and Tianjin in China.

“One of the most critical and dangerous operations as part of the project was the offloading of oversized cargo in the seaport of De Kastri from the BBC Kibo sea vessel to three barge towing units, ownership of the Amur Shipping Co. JSC,” a spokesperson for Barrus said. 

Based in Russia, Barrus is a member of the Project Logistics Alliance, or PLA, for Kazakhstan. The PLA is a breakbulk association which connects pre-qualified cargo carriers in 88 countries.