7 July 2020 • 4 PM China Standard Time (Shanghai) 
2020年7月7日 中国时间下午4点

Presented in Chinese

The evolution of COVID-19 has brought far-reaching influence on the flow of breakbulk and project cargo transportation, with the epidemic prevention, China has already entered the stage of normalized prevention. How to better collaborate with each other and achieve win-win situation in the context of various of uncertainties has become the hottest topic among the breakbulk and project cargo logistics supply chain shareholders. During this webinar, we will invite industry experts from leading enterprises and institutions in the logistics supply chain ecosystem to share their insights on how to resume production, find new business opportunities and better cooperate with partners while to prevent and control the epidemic on a normalized situation.

新冠疫情的发展给件杂货、项目货物流运输业带来了深远的影响,随着疫情防控的有序推进,中国已经率先进入了常态化防控的阶段,针对疫情常态化防控背景下的各类不确定因素,件 杂货、项目货物流供应链生态圈的各个利益主体该如何抱团取暖,协同合作,共度难关,实现共赢。 该网络研讨会我们将邀请来自物流供应链生态圈领袖企业与机构的行业专家参与,分享他们在战役情,复生产,谋出路,寻合作,共未来的真知灼见。 



Moderator: Wei Zhuang, Regional Manager (Asia), BIMCO
讨论主持人:庄炜,亚太区总经理 , 波罗的海国际航运公会

Wei Zhuang started his BIMCO career in 2011 and now as the Regional Manager of Asia, he is committed to keeping a constructive relationship with regional regulators and industry stakeholders and to provide portfolio services to BIMCO members and potential members in Asia.

波罗的海国际航运公会(BIMCO) 亚洲区总经理。他在2011年加入BIMCO的法律与合同事务部工作,期间参与了大量BIMCO标准合同和条款的项目,包括项目开发、修订以及推广。后来庄先生被任命为大中华区总经理兼BIMCO上海中心主任,目前其担任BIMCO亚洲区总经理,致力于加强BIMCO与亚洲的沟通和合作,积极推动国际航运界和航运政策制定者和产业利益者之间富有建设性的沟通与合作,重点是维系亚洲区BIMCO会员的利益并向他们提供高效的服务。庄炜曾担任8年的海事律师和高校教师,拥有海商法硕士及国际法学博士学位。

Feng Chen, General Manager of Marketing Center, COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers
陈锋,营销中心总经理, 中远海运特种运输股份有限公司

Chen Feng has been engaged in shipping & logistics, Company management, freight forwarding & logistics, ports agents, air transport and maritime shipping for more than 30 years. He now serves as the general director of COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers’ marketing & Sales center.


Morgan Meng, International Business Department Director, Powerchina Hubei Electric Engineering Corporation Limited
孟辉,海外事业部总经理 , 中国电建集团湖北工程有限公司湖北省电力勘测设计院有限公司

Morgan Meng has more than seventeen years’ experience with international engineering logistics projects. He has worked on a number of key projects, making notable contributions in the last six years to the Kaidi project.


Peter Wang, Marketing General Manager/Project Logistics Manager, Greenroad International Logistics

Wang Wei is the general manager of Greenroad marketing center and the International Project Logistics Department. He participated in a large number of international project, Heavy-Lift transportation, offshore project and international multimodal door-to-door transportation related work.
