Aug 20 | 2020
(Europe) Wind Energy Sector Boosts Outlook
Authorities at the Port of Bilbao have reported strong growth in cargo volumes in the first half, driven by wind energy component handling.
Despite slowdowns due to Covid-19, the port authority reports that 2,295 special consignments were handled in the first half of the year, equivalent to 96,711 tonnes, or a 23 percent increase in tonnage. Handling of wind turbine components was a major driver for breakbulk growth at the port with the authority announcing plans to invest €67 million this year to improve capacity.
“In the context of recovery after Covid-19, a stable framework has been established that will enable Spain to fulfilL its potential in terms of employment generation and economic activity, linked to a clean, fair, reliable and economically competitive energy transition,” a spokesperson for the Port of Bilbao said.
The Port of Bilbao is one of the major project cargo hubs in the north of Spain and recently invested €79 million in a new breakbulk dock, known as the Central Breakwater.
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