Our Events

Breakbulk Middle East
Government ministries, private sector oil & gas companies and the world’s top EPCs hold the keys to these lucrative contracts, and Breakbulk Middle East has become the place to meet these decision makers. FIND OUT MORE

Breakbulk Europe
Breakbulk Europe is the undisputed leader in events for the global project cargo industry. With more than 120 countries represented, this is the right place for your company to find new business throughout the world! FIND OUT MORE

Breakbulk Americas
Connect with fellow providers and the region's leading EPCs, oil & gas and petrochemicals project owners, top industrial manufacturers, mining companies and metals producers who are moving cargoes throughout the Americas and around the world. FIND OUT MORE
We’ve gathered all the news and media into one convenient location to help you find what you’re looking for fast. We’ve got the people to know, the outlooks to build your plans, the case studies to learn from, the resources to grow your career, and a vibrant group of networks to join to extend your Breakbulk relationships around the year.

Industry news from Breakbulk shippers, exhibitors, sponsors and event speakers organized in categories to help you zero in on what is most important to your business. Dive into our news brought to you by the influencers making change happen across our industry.
What’s happening in the world of project cargo and breakbulk? Find in-depth stories on the topics and people that matter most.
Breakbulk events have created a sense of community among attendees around the world who look forward to reuniting at the next event. But why wait? We’ve organized several networks to help groups stay connected throughout the year. Members exchange information, support one another and deepen the ties that make Breakbulk feel like a family. If you fit into one of these specialty groups, consider joining. Learn more:

Giving women at all stages of their careers a voice across the industry and a valuable networking resource.
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Breakbulk Global Shipper Network
Exclusive event benefits for shippers involved in project engineering, construction, manufacturing and production.
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A program designed to attract the next generation of leaders through executive-led instruction and networking.
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Breakbulk Events & Media is the only events company that offers a full range of media products, including a full format magazine that’s been published continuously for more than 15 years. Media advertising can be used on its own for marketing or combined with an exhibitor/sponsor package to promote your company’s services around the events and throughout the year.

Where to advertise:
- BreakbulkONE Newsletter (every other Tuesday) General & Event News
- Community Newsletters (Quarterly for Women in Breakbulk, Breakbulk Global Shipper Network and NextGEN
- Breakbulk Magazine (published 6 times per year, including 3 print versions distributed at Breakbulk events)
- Breakbulk websites (3 events sites plus global site)