Oct 06 | 2020
(Europe) Transport via Bronka Terminal

Breakbulk carrier KGE Baltic has delivered a shipment of heavy and out-of-gauge units from Spain to Russia
The industrial components measured as much as 46 tonnes each with some measuring more than 13 meters long. The cargo was loaded, lashed and covered in Villabona, then transported to Bilbao Port and offloaded to roller trailers for shipping to the Port of Saint Petersburg.
"The next step was to organize DTHC and port handling at the Bronka Terminal and arrange the transit customs documents for the onwards journey in Russia. During the inspection and loading onto the trailers, we re-applied a new shrinking plastic on the cargo to avoid any moisture getting inside,” said Arseniy Langfrid, sales and operations manager.
Based in Latvia, KGE Baltic is a member of the Project Cargo Network, a breakbulk association representing transport firms in more than 100 countries.
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