Cargo Handling Bodies Seek Collision Prevention

Industry Associations Publish Paper

A consortium of cargo handling bodies has issued new guidance on the prevention of port and terminal collisions, highlighting a number of risks in the sector.

The advisory paper, published jointly by experts from freight transport insurers TT Club and industry experts ICHCA and PEMA, suggests several non-contact technologies for collision prevention that can "dramatically improve" equipment safety and reduce risk.

“Adoption of equipment technologies to enhance risk reduction and safety, which is the primary focus of this document, must also go together with the development of robust operational safety processes,” the report’s authors note.

PEMA, or the Port Equipment Manufacturers Association, provides a forum for the global port equipment and technology sectors. The ICHCA, or International Cargo Handling Coordination Association, is the only global association dedicated to the promotion of safety and efficiency in the handling and movement of goods throughout the supply chain.