Nov 13 | 2020
(Europe-Asia) Installation Equipment for Taiwanese Windfarm

Multipurpose shipping line Dship Carriers has delivered an over-dimensional pile installation frame, or PIF, from Rotterdam to An Ping, Taiwan.
The 750-tonne unit measured more than 33 meters long and wide, and was delivered by the newly acquired F-500 heavy-lift vessel, Bruce. With a total volume of 36,964 cubic meters, the units required intensive engineering work to ensure safe transportation.
“Due to the small footprint of the PIF and the high load, a special load-spreading design with heavy lift platforms was developed for the hatch covers. The development of the overall stowing and seafastening concept took several months and was conducted with the support of LOC Germany,” said Hauke Bindemann, port captain for the firm.
Dship Carriers is headquartered in Singapore and operates a fleet of multipurpose vessels designed to support the specialized needs of project cargo clients. The group also operates offices in Houston, Tokyo and Bremen.
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