Kazmortransflot Navigates Russian Inland Waterways via Barge

In early June 2020, KMTF safely transported 25 units of oversized cargo intended for construction of the integrated gas-chemical complex

In early June 2020, Kazakhstan’s national sea carrier Kazmortransflot (KMTF) safely transported 25 units of oversized cargo intended for the construction of an integrated gas-chemical complex from the Romania’s Port of Constanta to Atyrau where the Ural River meets the Caspian Sea.

In total, six barges were involved in the transportation. Each barge spent about 35 days to cover the distance between the two ports, using Russian inland waterways.

The most difficult section along the waterways was the Ural-Caspian canal. The mouth of the Ural river is heavy with silt and the low depth of the river does not allow the passage of loaded vessels to the port.

That meant that prior to passage, KMTF specially conducted a bathymetric survey of the bottom which made it possible for the loaded barges to safely go through canal.

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