Sarens Installs Record Australian Turbines
Lifting specialist Sarens has installed the tallest wind turbines installed in Australia, at the Sapphire Wind Farm in Glenn Innes, New South Wales.
The giant Vestas V126-3.6MW wind turbines were delivered on behalf of project owner CWP Renewables and client Vestas Wind Technology. Sarens mobilized them using its new LG1750 SX crane.
"In all, five teams worked together to install the turbine components at great heights. These 35 crewmembers and five site managers worked tirelessly despite the challenging terrain, sensitive local flora and fauna, and difficult weather conditions, including sub-zero winter temperatures and strong winds,” a Sarens spokesperson said.
Tengizchevroil Marks Biggest Project
The colossal Sapphire wind project marked a record for Australia but Sarens logged its own personal best with completion of its largest breakbulk move in Bulgaria as part of the Tengizchevroil Southern Trans-Shipment Base.
“Sarens is currently involved in the biggest project it has ever undertaken: the load-in and load-out of pre-assembled units. SPMTs were chosen for this project because of their limited height, and are used for load-ins because they are easy to reconfigure.,” a spokesperson for Sarens said.
Headquartered in Belgium, The Sarens Group provides heavy lifting and engineering expertise and equipment worldwide via a network of more than 100 subsidiaries in 54 countries.
CCCC Monopiles to Hong Kong
The group recently said it is collaborating closely with client CCCC Third Harbour Engineering for the transport and loading of 18 monopiles in Hong Kong.
The monopoles, which measure 77 meters high with a 3.5-meter radius, each weigh 930 tonnes and were transported to the site using 32 axle lines of SPMT with two PPUs.
"The biggest challenge at the beginning of the operation was that the client's ship and dock did not match. Also, the ship's ballast water could not meet the monopile weight. Our team helped the client make a technical reconstruction to the dock and ship so that the monopiles could be transported safely and efficiently," said Xiang Kun, site manager for Sarens.
Photo: Vestas wind turbines. Credit: Sarens