Jul 01 | 2020
(Global) Monthly MPV Rates Edge Up
Time charter rates for multipurpose vessels have recovered slightly this month, according to the latest data from shipping consultancy Toepfer Transport.
The Toepfer Multipurpose Shipping Report index had plunged from a yearly high of US$7,578 in November last year to just US$6,381 in June, but edged back upwards in July with the average six- to 12-month time charter rate reaching US$6,391 at latest.
The index is based on a 12,500 deadweight-tonne multipurpose /heavy-lift F-Type vessel for a six to 12-month charter period.
Headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, Toepfer Transport is one of the largest S&P brokers in the city and its research department has a particular focus on the multipurpose/heavy-lift vessel market.